How can I make sure I’m compliant on my rental property?
Coventry City Council has become the first council to fine a landlord under the ‘Electrical Safety Standards 2020′ legislation.
In July 2021, new rules came in to force whereby all rental properties must have a 5-year electrical certificate by a qualified person. A copy of the certificate must be given to the tenants and provided to the council if requested.
The landlord in question (who has not been named) failed to have a certificate and was fined £1,600.00. Adrian Chowns, the enforcement officer for Coventry City Council, said “We believe this is the first time these powers have been used by a local authority in England”.
The government and local councils are keen to ensure rental properties are kept up to a decent standard of living for tenants, and that the appropriate safety measures are in place. Local councils now have the authority to fine landlords up to £30,000 for breach of regulations.
At Move On, we make sure all our landlords can sleep at night, because this is what we do every day. We make sure we are always up to date with latest legislations, and we are often ahead of the deadline.
Check out our FREE Compliance Guide for UK Landlords to find out if your rental property is complying with the latest legislation
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If you would like a free, up-to-date rental appraisal or fresh eyes over your paperwork to ensure you are compliant, then please contact me 01202 711169 or email sharon@moveon.biz